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This page is dedicated to Ethan Bennett and his courageous journey as he fights his way back from the injuries sustained in a near drowning on June 2, 2009. If you'd like to donate contact me at all4ethan@gmail.com for information or donate via PayPal

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Stand Up- Ha! Take Your Own Advice Salvation Army!

Does it confound others as much as it does me that the Salvation Army can spend the time, energy and money to have a band march in the Rose Bowl Parade and of all things play a song called
“Stand Up”,
When they refuse to stand up and take responsibility for what they have done to Ethan?

This organization will spend money on their ad campaigns and public image but they won’t stand by their own mission to
“Do the Most Good”
What good did they do, in being careless about taking care of the children in their charge? Why won’t they just tell the truth? I challenge them to start by standing up and taking ownership and responsibility for what they failed to do, and that is keep a child safe.

If you agree that the Salvation Army NEEDS to STAND UP and Do the Right Thing for Ethan, feel free to re post this message on your own blogs etc. You can also contact me at all4ethan@gmail.com

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